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Hey, I would like to a string from terminal via UART in order to complete a challange given by Digi-Key YouTube channel in FreeRTOS tutorial playlist. Anyway, I want to take the whole string given by user in terminal, but I couldn't so far. I tried  ...
I am trying to implement an EEPROM driver which uses DMA. So far, I can implement polling and interrupt version. HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA works OK, but HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA returns HAL_BUSY, so even the first reading process seams OK, it actually doesn't ...
I wanna implement an EEPROM driver but I have some hesitates.I actually implement a driver in polling mode, and as you might guess, there are some HAL_SPI_Transmit functions to send command, and some data(a buffer, not a single byte). I thought to tr...
I am trying to implement a driver for an EEPROM. I created as follows: typedef struct { uint16_t address; uint16_t size; uint8_t *data; } test_t; And create a structure array as: test_t test[] = {{0x0000, 50, NULL}, {0x00AB, 70, NULL}, {0x0A...
I am trying to write a code so that I measure temperature and humidity via HTU21D sensor. It uses I2C interface. In the datasheet:The HTU21D(F) sensor requires a voltage supply between 1.5V and 3.6V. After power up, the device needs at most 15ms whil...