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Forum Posts

How VDDA, VDD, Vref+ effects ADC value?

Hi guys.I am using STM32F401VEH6 to read the peak value of a waveform like sinewave.but the value drifts about 40LSB time to time.I connected VDDA to Vref+ and seperated from VDD.(based on Application Note recomandation)But when I checked the datashe...

XZhen.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Do .bin files use relative or absolute addresses?

I am trying to set up a dual boot system using a bootloader in stm32F7 without using the dual bank operation. I have the bootloader, which can flash the bin files directly to the flash .My concern is whether .bin files contain any address information...

Statemachine or Statechart implentation in C

Does anyone know the best way to implement a statechart or statemachine in C? Are there specific libraries required or should I consider just using simple statemachine tables with switch statements? Maybe statechart is overkill for my app and using...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Resolved! Runt Pulse Issue on SPI MOSI

Hello,I'm trying to do a basic spi master transmit, and am having issues with the MOSI pin output. It seems the value is getting written, but the voltage swing is ~200mV rather than full value. I suspect I have the GPIO pin mis-configured, but I'm at...

JDoe.15 by Associate II
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Project with UART Rx in DMA interrupt mode and two timers timer 6 and 7 configured for interrupts. Not getting data using STM32F446RE nucleo Board

I have written a code to receive UART data in DMA interrupt mode using circular buffer and configured timer 6 and timer 7 for doing other tasks in the same code. The problem I am facing is that I am not getting UART data and neither timer interrupts ...

PAcha.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Interrupt not triggered on EXTI1

actually I'm using stm32F446RE, I'm using hal library just to detect external interrupt from PA1 pin but it doesn't work, and if I put the interrupt from PA0 pin, it works fine?/* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */ void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin){ c...

kkhli.1 by Associate III
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