Hi everyone,
Recently started working on STM32C011J4M3.
I'm trying to set PF2-NRST pin as a GPIO and I want Pin 4 to multiplexed to PA0 USART TX pin.
At first i tried multiplexed the Pin 4 to PA0 using the following API " L...
Hello Guy, the problem was with me i miss understood the SW1 pin of STM32C0116DK as reset pin . The code provide by @pratik0199 works great . just config PF2 as GPIO pin and using API "LL_SYSCFG_ConfigPinMux" is enough to multiples P...
Thanks for your response @pratik0199 I have Configured pin 4 as pA0 USART TX pin and this is done In USART Init function . Are you saying that I have initialize UART function to set Pin 4 to pA0 USART tx pin before calling OB write function.
Hi everyone,Recently started working on STM32C011J4M3. I'm trying to set PF2-NRST pin as a GPIO and I want Pin 4 to multiplexed to PA0 USART TX pin . At first i tried multiplexed the Pin 4 to PA0 using the following API " L...