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Forum Posts

Resolved! CAN1 RX issue

Hi I am using STM32F407 evb in which I have configured both CAN1 and CAN2 ,I am sendind CAN1(3 ids 501,502,503) and vice versa from CAN2 same I am sending but I am ble to recive all three id on CAN2 Rx but only one ID iam receving on CAN1(501) .I am ...

Ash1 by Associate III
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STMF32F401RE with IHM04A1

I am working with STM32F401RE and IHM04A1 driver board. There is timer1 channel 3 in EN-A (PA10) for IN1A and IN2A. However, there is no timer channel in EN-B which should be used for IN1B and IN2B. What should I do for the timer in EN-B, that is, PC...

aknaydn by Associate
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Resolved! Configure crystal but using oscillator

Hello together, I have a question regarding the configuration of the HSE. We have a product which is running on a crystal, so we configured our HSE as "Crystal/Ceramic Resonator". In a new hardware revision our hardware team decided to use a active o...

ESawa.1 by Associate III
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Toolchains for STM32

Hi. I am a little bit confused.Why there is so many toolchains for ARM and what are the differences betwen them?Lastly i heard abot Yagarto, and also these is WinARM, arm-gcc, arm-none-eabi-gcc. Are they all the same? which toolchain should i use?I a...

sholojda by Associate III
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Resolved! AD5668 DAC over QSPI on STM32L4

New question from: I have a AD5668 DAC which supports QSPI upto 50Mhz frequency. I am trying to test the DAC with STM32 using QSPI . But I am not able to see DAC output...

HTTPS Integration on STM32F407 with STM32CubeIDE

Hello everyone,I am currently working with an STM32F407 and STM32CubeIDE. I have successfully integrated LTE modem PPPoS functionality, and now I am looking to implement HTTPS for secure communication.Could someone please provide step-by-step instruc...


Hi team,      I am working with QSPI I have 2 STM32-NUCLEO-L496ZG-P boards. I want to select one board as Master and one board as Slave and I want to transmit from one device and receive it on other device. But in stm32CubeIDE there is no option to s...

Resolved! The GPIO output before initialization

We are developing a device using the STM32H743.We are setting up the GPIO during initialization, but I am wondering about something.What is the GPIO output before initialization? Is it high impedance?Or does it change depending on the circuit connect...