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Odd Behavior of TIM2 PWM Output on STM32U073

In a system using FreeRTOS, there are currently two timers: TIM6 (the timer used by FreeRTOS) and TIM3 (a general-purpose timer). I am not experiencing any issues with these timers, and I can successfully run functions like interrupts. However, whene...


STM32H7A FMC Common and Attribute Memory Space

Hello. I am working on a project where I need to access an external Flash chip on a STM32H7A3ZIT6 chip. I am trying to use the FMC and I'm just having a hard time understanding it. My biggest lack of understanding is coming in how in the world do I p...

FMC_common_attribute_split.png Screenshot 2024-11-23 162458.png
L42Liam by Associate
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Resolved! Maximum supported resolution for the STM32U5G9?

Hello, I would like to know what is the maximum display resolution that can be supported by the STM32U5G9 chip, I calculated based on the MIPI clock that I can drive a 1024x768 screen at 16 bit, but I am very unsure. Thanks for your help.

Resolved! STM32F407 with LAN8742A custom board init issue

Hi I have created Ethernet custom board using STM32F407 + LAN8742A attached is my schematic design based on Nucleo board for STM32F429ZI.on my custom board MX_LWIP_Init is getting error in HAL_ETH_Init in following section.    /* Wait for software r...

STM32H757: Can't enter Low Power Mode for Cortex M4

GOAL:Currently I am trying to get to know the low power capabilities with the STM32H757I-Eval Board. Therefore I want to write a simple program. I want to use only the Cortex-M4 for this. The program running on m4 should state with an uart message (M...

Michael4 by Associate
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STM32H7 Max UART Baudrate

Posted on November 24, 2017 at 16:15I tried to figure out the specification of the max. UART baudrate for the SM32H7 series (@ 400MHz system clock).The data sheet says 12.5 MBit.Does this apply to all UART ports or only selected ones?I need 8 MBits ...

Resolved! STM32H5 VDDIO2

Hi,I survey an MCU that IO can be operated in 1.08V to 3.6V.The STM32H563xx could reach my request.But the DS shows the only 10 IOs can be operated in 1.08V to 3.6V.Does STM32H563xx have any setting to extend low power IOs?Or other MCU part number ca...

Goldberg by Associate II
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