Dear,Setup:We using a STM32H7B0 100pins.We use 1 ADC input at 1M samplesConfigured as 16bit, differential input, with an offset of 32768.We use a Vref of 2.5V.The other side of the differential input is 1/2 of Vref (buffered with a opamp)To sample th...
Dear,We using the STM32H7B0 (100pins) When we sending to the USB port with the function CDC_Transmit_HS() he returns always USBD_BUSY after 1408 bytes.We had found a article that says that the the value 0x174 isn't correct (see code below)See: https...
Dear,We using an ADC in our application at 1MspsThe ADC is always running in a circular DMA mode.To start the buffering of the samples we use the Analog watchdog 1. So when the input signal goes outside the analog watchdog thresholds the function "HA...
Dear,used: STM32H7B0 mcu, 100pins Segger j-link plus, v 9.4 STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1 GNU ARM 13.3.release 1STM32CubeIDE goes into a very long loop and/or crash. How to reproduce:- Create a large array, ex: uint16_t buffer[0x800...
Dear,Using STM32H0B0, 100 pins version.we wish to sample 1 input with ADC2 at a fixed frequency. This must not deviate and for this we use timer 3 set to the desired sample rate.In the pictures we use 100Khz, but later to go to 1Msps.So the timer 3 i...
Dear,Our ADC clock frequency is 48Mhz and Sample time is 8.5 cycle.8.5 cycle is the maximum we can set at 48Mhz otherwise we cannot a ADC sample rate of 1Msps.We have found the issue with the spikes on the signal.We had design the PCB with 2 differen...
Dear,Here are some measurementsWith 470pF on the input of the ADC at 1Msps diff mode (same issue)With 470pF on the input of the ADC at 100Ksps diff mode (is better but not useful signal yet)With 470pF on the input of the ADC at 10Ksps diff mode (sign...
Dear,we understand this phenomenon and as a solution we should put an external capacitor.This is not easily possible because we are not measuring DC signals but rather AC signals.Besides, in the article they talk about small deviations, but we have v...
Dear,>> This is quite normal, due to the switching sampling capacitor. Depending on the sampling period and the signal source impedance it may settle properly by the end of sampling time.We can understand that there are small peaks of ~5-10mV, but he...
Dear,Segger tells me it is not on their end, but how it is integrated into STM32Cube IDE.I hereby also share their opinion, because on other IDE tools we don't have this issue.