Dear,We using the STM32H7B0 (100pins) When we sending to the USB port with the function CDC_Transmit_HS() he returns always USBD_BUSY after 1408 bytes.We had found a article that says that the the value 0x174 isn't correct (see code below)See: https...
Dear,We using an ADC in our application at 1MspsThe ADC is always running in a circular DMA mode.To start the buffering of the samples we use the Analog watchdog 1. So when the input signal goes outside the analog watchdog thresholds the function "HA...
Dear,used: STM32H7B0 mcu, 100pins Segger j-link plus, v 9.4 STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1 GNU ARM 13.3.release 1STM32CubeIDE goes into a very long loop and/or crash. How to reproduce:- Create a large array, ex: uint16_t buffer[0x800...
Dear,Using STM32H0B0, 100 pins version.we wish to sample 1 input with ADC2 at a fixed frequency. This must not deviate and for this we use timer 3 set to the desired sample rate.In the pictures we use 100Khz, but later to go to 1Msps.So the timer 3 i...
Dear,Used MCU: STM32H7B0, 100 pins.In the datasheets we had found that TIM3 use the APB1 peripheral clock.In our case is this 120MHz. But when we use the function "HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq()" we become 60MHz.This isn't correct. So what function should we...
Dear,Segger tells me it is not on their end, but how it is integrated into STM32Cube IDE.I hereby also share their opinion, because on other IDE tools we don't have this issue.
Dear,OK memory view can helps to resolve this issue, but the IDE would not hang up for this reason.btw: with the STM link debugger I don't have this problem. it may be slow, but at least the IDE doesn't crash.
Dear,The issue found.The problem was with the debugger.If one stopped the MCU with the debugger then the DMA continued for a while and adc samples were still overwritten in the buffer.This created incorrect samples.By enlarging the DMA driven buffer,...
Dear,Yes we seen in the picture that the clock is 120MHz, but with function(s) we should use to get this 120MHz.We use this timer as sample rate trigger for the ADC2 and this can be variable. So we must calculate the periode and prescaler value for t...