MTBF of STM32F446xC/E
I am looking for MTBF of STM32F446xC/E. Kindly share the Reliability/MTBF of STM32F446xC/E if available. @STM32F446xC/E,
I am looking for MTBF of STM32F446xC/E. Kindly share the Reliability/MTBF of STM32F446xC/E if available. @STM32F446xC/E,
I am trying to run the AFBR-S50 sensor project on my Nucleo-F411RE. Their API has a project for an F401 here. I had previously been able to get the project running on my board. All I had to do was open the .ioc in the STMCubeIDE, uncheck "Do not gene...
Hi!I am working on a project where multiple sensors are connected to the stm32f4 transmistting data on a very high baud rate and then the received data is transmitted through USB VCP. For these matters I used DMA with USART1, USART2 and USART3 and im...
Hello All,I want to protect my code from reading by strangers using STM programmers. But I also I do not want to protect EEPROM. Because I am downloading Software verison and revision info to EEPROM incase I need to re-program IC.I am using STM32L010...
Hi,I am working on STM32G484VET6 controller.I getting problem to use external flash memory throughout SPI. I am not able to interface with external flash memory . Please suggest us
Seem to me RTC alarm allowes maximum 7 days.Like when I set alarm to 6 days, the system wakeup after 6days. But if I set 8 days, the system will wake up after 1 day, it because 8%7 =1.
I need help with USART LOGGER _ON enabling. How to enable logger to send serial data via usart?I have in logger.h - #define LOGGER_ON 1, also in logger.c #if (USE_LOGGER == LOGGER_ON).....#endif /* #if USE_LOGGER == LOGGER_ON */and platform.hHow to ...
Hello @st,I am working with STM32L4 MCU with the custom board where I enable composite HID + CDC interface on USB.I want to use XMODEM with CDC interface to update firmware and HID to serve my other module like JoyStick, Jog Shuttle, etc.I am having ...
Posted on December 27, 2017 at 17:46I am confused on how to calculate temperature from the internal sensor.From RM008 (
Hello,I am using STM32G041C8T6 controller and I am facing an issue with ADC even for a simplest conversion on ADC Channel 0. I am providing 2.12V on the Channel 0 (PA0) pin and the conversion result is always 4095. The signal comes from a voltage div...