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Hello everyone! Is it possible to initialize an I2S interface using LL drivers?There is only one option in the CubeMX (project manager->advanced settings): HAL. Other peripherals (for example I2C, TIM, USART, SPI) have 2 options HAL/LL. Is it any se...
Hello! I am trying to start HRTIM TIMA in PWM mode. Clock frequency of HRTIM is 140MHz. I use CubeMX 5.1.0 , chip is STM32F334R8T7. The configuration of the timer is following: set source is timer period event, reset source is timer compare 1 even...
Posted on November 11, 2017 at 15:07Hello! I try to use a TIM1 in a PWM bipolar mode (chip is stm32f030f4p6).I use CubeMX . But after compilation of the project the timer doesn`t work. Must I write my own code for start this timer? Thanks a lot for ...
Posted on September 23, 2017 at 13:19Hello! I try to program stm32f103c8t6 TIM1 in output compare mode (connecting it to  PA8 pin).But PA8 doesn`t have any signal.In  Keil`s debugger the timer running. &sharpinclude <stm32f10x.h>void main(void){RCC-...
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