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I can't set adc12 register of STM32G4A1KEU6

I try to using the bare-metal programming this is my code RCC->AHB2ENR |= (1UL<<0);  // Enable clock to GPIO port ARCC->AHB2ENR |= (1UL<<13); // Enable clock to ADC1,2 GPIOA->MODER |= (1UL<<0);  // Set PA0 to analog modeGPIOA->MODER |= (1UL<<1);// GP...

BaBQ by Associate
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Nucleo F411RE showing no st link detected

Hi ,I am using nucleo stm32f411RE board from more than 6 month but from yesterday suddenly I getting no st link detected . here I don't think i did any thing wrong with the board.observation :1. once I shutdown laptop and open again then both RED LED...

shiv by Associate
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Resolved! stm32H747-Disco Component Size

Hi Everyone,As soon as I learned and successfully transferred data from CM7 to CM4, I bricked my H747-Disco. So, I brought the Disco home from my microscope Lab to place a solder bridge on R192. I realized reading glasses today just doesn't work for ...

Resolved! stm32l0 serial2 not responding to interrupts on PA3

HiI configured UART-2 to respond to interrupts.If i use the RealTerm to write to the COMPORT of the STM (through the USB cable), the ISR works.But, if I use usb-uart adaptor connected directly to PA3 (the UART-2 Rx pin), the ISR is not called.If I re...

sgabran by Associate III
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Re: STM32H747XI - What are Timer Channels?

I can build a “timer” using a counter with “decoder” circuitry to create an output signal at a specific time after starting the counter...Alternately, after each clock to the counter, the counters output value could be compared to some register value...

Will_iii by Associate II
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