STM32G0B1CET6 FDCAN normal mode is not working
Normal mode of FDCAN is not working. Attached project file here. Please suggest if any changes are required in the attached files.
Normal mode of FDCAN is not working. Attached project file here. Please suggest if any changes are required in the attached files.
I am using a P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 product.1- At the beginning, I need to change ETHERNET: DHCP to STATIC. Later, I wanted to change to DHCP again with this code: 13:12: AT+IP= DHCPAT+IP= DHCP+IP: NETMASK ERROR 2- I can not use Loriot server due to error ...
Hi.. Customer request for STM32G431RBT3 MTTF Data please help provide this data for customer.
Hi, I have several programm where I use either the HAL_FLASH_Program command or some EEPROM command like EE_ReadVariable16bits (directly issued from the std "eeprom_emul.h" library).To make those command functionnal i had to stop the watchdog which t...
Hi, I used to work with a stm32h743 that had a QSPI, but now I work with a stm32h723zgt6 that has a OSPI. I don't know if I should continue with the MX_OCTOSPI1_Init function to use it for Memory Mapped for w25q256 program I wrote for Touch GFX.To us...
Hi,I'm giving the firsts steps in this world and I'm trying to configure SPI in one STM32F407 discovery kit.I'm using GPIOB pins 12, 13, 14 and 15 as Alternate Function to handle the SPI2 interface.The point is, in the instant that I change the confi...
Please advise on the procedure and sequence to upload the codes to the Master ( F446RE) and the Slaves STMF103C8T , STM32F750. as illustrated in the youTube tutorial STM CAN Multiple Devices by Controllers Tech. my inquiries to the site have gone u...
See Attached Downloaded from web site as directed ;however download looks nothing like folder in the tutorial ;Placed comments in the comment section of the tutorial - so far no response - I asked for file structure as viewed in the tutorial . Do...
The project I am working on presently need to capture dc voltage with precision of 1mv. I am using STM32f446RE development board. As mentioned in the datasheet STM32F446RE have inbuilt ADC of 12-bit resolution and reference voltage is 3.3v. Thus theo...
Hi I am creating project by enabling uart3, when write some data on UART3 there is no output on UART_Tx pin.please let me know any configuration m I missing while creating new project.thanks in advanceAmol Chor