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Forum Posts

STM32WLE RTC AlarmA for wake-up from Standby

Hi , I need  for my applicetion two maner of wake-up from Standby mode. One is regular wake up every one hour and second is asynchronous wake up by external signal. I have used WKUP1 signal on  PA0 input for external wake up. It is working corectly o...

OM by Associate II
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Resolved! Starting EXTI disabled

I've used CubeMX to enable in PA4 as in input with EXTI interrupt enabled on a STM32F373.  It works well, but how to I enable the device with this interrupt disabled by default?  HAL seems to enable the interrupt and then allow the 'user' code' to be...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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BLUENRG-M0A: Maximum Memory for Services/Characteristics

Hello,I am working with the Nucleo-f401re with the X-Nucleo-IDB05A2 expansion board for Bluetooth via BlueNRG-M0A module. I am trying to create services and characteristics for those services and I am trying to understand how the memory allocation po...

KMew by Senior III
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osDelay does not wait for specified ticks

I have initialized the kernel first, and called HAL_Init() and SystemClock_Config() within the OS task - StartDefaultTask, the osDelay is not blocking the StartDefaultTask until the specified number of ticks.configTICK_RATE_HZ is set to 1000 Hz (1 ms...

cchan.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H745XIT6 MT25QL256A External Loader not working

Hi every one ..I designed custom board for stm32h745xit6 .My TouchGFX working fine with internal flash .The core board has mt25ql256a and connected as under PB2 CLKPG6 NCSPF8 D0PF9 D1PF7 D2PF6 D3I generated STLDR as explained in ST videos

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INaee.1 by Senior
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USB HID Host MX_USB_HOST_Process Call

I've setup my STM32L475 non-RTOS as a USB HID Host to interface with a barcode scanner.  All works well if I call sdf MX_USB_HOST_Process in my main application loop with no delays.  However, if MX_USB_HOST_Process is not called fast enough, characte...

Stanford by Associate II
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