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STM32F407 I2C INA232 Problem

Hi everyone,I am using STM32F407 to read voltage and current values from INA232 and TCA9548.I have 8 INA232 so I used TCA9548 as I2C Switch.I have coded as follows:1. SET TCA9548 on Port 12. Read the voltage value on INA232 at port 1The result I get ...

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Hoi by Associate II
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ADC calibration issue

Hi , I am trying to calibrate ADC in STM32334R8. But the code is stoping at calibration phase itself. I will attach the initilization code below for your reference.  LL_ADC_Disable(ADC1);LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(GPIOC,LL_GPIO_PIN_8);LL_ADC_EnableIntern...

vasudev by Associate II
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Upload .bin files on windowsthrough the USB interface

Hi, I just decided to try mbed OS 6 for programming my NUCLEO-WB15CC. Compilation is successful, but when i try to flash the compiled .bin file, the operation fails saying that a device was not connected even though it was. I am guessing it is becaus...

Elijah1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F44 MCU: Read protection flag not removed

HiI try to implement the read protection on my STM32F44 board based on this example: principle, it works, but I have some strange behavior. My code:if...

Corono by Associate III
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Conditional data watchpoint with debugger or DWT

I've tried both Eclipse and the VSCode Cortex debug plugin to set a conditional watchpoint but both fail (break every access irrespective of value). This I guess is due to OpenOCD not supporting the multiple compare registers in the DWT that are requ...

Resolved! HRTIM,ADC

I am using hrtim to trigger the adc, but if the regular channel is not triggered with hrtim, it doesn't go into the interrupt of the ADC properly, I checked a lot of information and didn't find a solution, here is my code and cubemx configuration: N...

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iskan by Associate III
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Resolved! MDMA and DMA shared memory speed optimization

Hi All,I am using an Nucleo-144 STM32H723ZG.Here I try to use ADC3 to sample data, and save it to a buffer (SRC_Buf) using DMA, which works fine. Then I want to move the data from the SRC_Buf to A bigger buffer using MDMA. I have some callback functi...

elso by Associate III
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