Hi, I want to send a simple message through UART and check if message is properly received at Rx end. I want to do loopback test. I connect PD5 to PD6, namely short circuit. Then I run the below code. When I debug the code, I can see only the first b...
(translated)I encountered the exact same problem. I2C and SPI can be used independently. When used together, SPI cannot communicate, but I2C works fine. After commenting out the I2C initialization, SPI can be used normally. The chip model is STM32F1...
I am using the STM32H743ZIT6 MCU to enable USB CDC. In my schematic, I have not defined the VBUS pin; I have only defined the CDC lines. Can I still use CDC without the VBUS pin? Below is the photo of my schematic for reference. Please help me.Thank ...
I am trying to comunicate a stm32F103C8T6 with an STM32F446 over I2CFirst thing I try to do is send data as master from F103 and I get NACK by F446Here is logic analyzer's screenshot:And here is F446 configuration on CubeMXI don't get why is it sendi...
I’m currently debugging an H563 NMI issue. When I executememcpy((uint8_t*)record, (uint8_t*)latest_record_addr, 128), the program jumps to the NMI_Handler().I have already confirmed using the debugger that record = 0x20002608 and latest_record_addr =...
Hi,Can all selected channel's sampling in each SAR ADC(0, 1, 2) be trigged by the same timer with the same settings so that their sample can be synchronized ?Thanks
Hi all I am using STM32F407 and trying to configure both CAN1 AND CAN2 so I want to understand a concept hope you people can help me. CAN1(MASTER) and CAN2(SLAVE) . I want to achieve operation to send data from one can to another and vice versa. NOT...
Hi all I want to understand configuration for CAN1 and CAN2 in a single board. Can you suggest me example code ? B.R Ash
Hi,i created a project to connect the STM32F407VGTX by USB High Speed to a PC. It is enumerated as a Camera in the device manager. When start the windows camera app or VLC the videostream (Format MJPEG 400x240 pixel) starts. I use two picture toggeli...