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Forum Posts

fail to write on sd card on stm32 g491re

Hi all,i am currently writing a program which is supposed to write data on an sd-card. This has worked until i changed my laptop (and cubeIDE version from 1.13 to 1.17) and until i added line 127 "HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_0, GPIO_PIN_SET);"....

jan212 by Associate
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Using Hex file or Bin file for FOTA?

Hi community!I've been tasked with designing and programming a new product that includes a bootloader and LTE communication, the main issue I'm facing now is to design the whole updating and downloading process, supposedly I'll store the update in a ...

Resolved! stm32f4xx hal systick question

in stm32f4xx_hal.c file the function __weak HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_InitTick uses a function HAL_SYSTICK_Config thats in stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.c file and that function uses SysTick_Config(TicksNumb) but i cant find this function .just wondering where th...

STM32H5 high cycle flash read.

What is the correct way to read high cycle flash data.When i read address 0x916800 i get a Hard fault. Clearing and writing the this address works fine.With reading i have a problem. bank 2 has EDATA enabled for the last 2 pages. Can you give me a co...

MVanb.1 by Associate II
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Failed to inerface (4 and 8 GB) pendrive to STM32H747

 Dear Community, I am currently working on interfacing of USB (pen-drive) in FS mode with STM32H747BIT6.I have observed that  during the enumeration process of pen-drive it is failing  to proceed at the functionUSBH_HandleControl --> case CTRL_SETUP_...

Rushali by Associate III
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LPTIM behaviour

Hallo, I'd like to use LPTIM to count the number of digital impulse of a signal.So, the signal is connected to (in this case) LPTIM2_IN1.The init function (MX_LPTIM2_Init) is as this: hlptim2.Instance = LPTIM2; hlptim2.Init.Clock.Source = LPTIM_CLOCK...

IVent.1 by Senior
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Resolved! [STM32H7] CORTEX_M7 configuration for MPU in CUBEMX

Dear Experts,I am looking at configuring the CORTEX_M7 section for my custom STM32H743VIT6 based board. Below are the functionalities that I plan to use with the board:a. Sensors' reading via SPI, I2C, b. Communication via UART/USART, USB, Ethernet (...

KhangRtR by Associate II
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Resolved! Funny statement in STM32C071 datasheet

Section 3.20: "It requires a precise 48 MHz clock that is generated from the internal high-speedexternal clock source"So we have "internal external" clock source. ;)

gbm by Principal
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