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Resolved! STM32F103CBU6 HAL_Init Hangsup or STM32CubeIDE?

Hello,I am not really new, but i have a courious problem.I have a STM32F103CBU6 device (new), and started a new C++ Project with STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 and the STM32Cube FW_F1 V1.8.5 firmware package.I have a external crystal for both (HSE + LSE) and is...

Screenshot 2023-10-27 082114.png
Sany by Associate III
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STM32U575 Reference not working?

I'm using an STM32U575 chip with a couple of it's peripherals. I'm trying to get the ADC1 working. It's currently sampling a few pins, but when I read the data, it seems to always be 4095 (max value). Looking into it further, the VREF+ pin is sitting...

sethkaz by Associate III
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STM32H743 POWER without LDO

I have designed a board based on STM32H743VGT6. This package doesn't have LDO PIN. Which item in CUBEMX i have to choose for power supply? Do I have to connect voltage to VCAP pins?

Mozh by Associate
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Web UI on STM32

HeyI want to make a product with WEB UI . My goal is product that will connect to my internal network and I want to be able open a browser on my computer and write the IP of the product, I will connect to its web page and I can control it.I would app...

TOsso.1 by Associate II
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STM32L452CC SPI send wrong data

Hi, Its my first post. Im trying a STM32L452 and IIS3dwb on SPI2 (SPI2_CLK on PB13). When I send the WHO_AM_I command, the SPI2_MOSI send only 0x0F instead 0x8F (0x0F OR 0x80). SPI2 setup is CPOL = High, CPHA = 2 Egde, 8 bits, MSB First, Baud Rate = ...

fmaesso by Associate II
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