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Forum Posts

input resistance of a trigger pin

Hi,I wan't to use the stm32 as described in the video the difference that I uses the trm4  and the input trigger is channel 1.Operation is ok but applying the s...

MichelM38 by Associate III
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UART transmit command not working

Hi,I'm using Nucleo H7A3ZI-Q board and I'm trying to use HAL_UART_Transmit function to print hello world in serial monitor(on puTTy). Code is building without any issues but there's no characters showing in serial monitor, I tried the same  code on H...

jsw2000 by Associate II
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WiFi Firmware for B-L4S5I-IOT01A

Hi, I am facing a problem to connect the B-L4S5I-IOT01A STM32 board to Wifi. I downloaded X-Cube-AWS. And STM32L4 Discovery Kit IoT Node (B-L475E-IOT01A) ISM43362-M3G-L44-SPI-C3.5.2.7.STM SPI Firmware but still fails to connect. Please if anyone can ...

RTC WakeupTimer interrupt triggered immediately

Hello everyone,I'm working on a NUCLEO board (stm32wba52cg) and currently testing some of the baord's features, but i'm facing a strange problem with RTC. Problem is that the Interrupt of the wakeupTimer start firing immediatly after its initializati...

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Duccio by Associate
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RTC Offset by milliseconds + and -

I am trying to offset the RTC by milliseconds. I have read through the documentation on this and this has lead me to RTC_SHIFTR. I have looked for examples how to set this up and what maths I need to use. However I am still unable to see the results ...

MaxCon by Associate
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Resolved! NOR Flash memory in STM32H747I-Eval board

Hi All, I am trying to develop a loader application to load a firmware image on to the NOR flash memory using QUAD SPI. I am not sure about the NOR flash memory part available on the STM32H747I-eval board. There is only limited details on it as it ob...

Sen_Koc by Associate
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Resolved! RTC Problem

I use the NUCLEOH563-ZI board and I want to use RTC. I configured the RTC with the LSI clock. I loaded a default date/time. On the other hand, my time does not change...My Init code :My source code to retrieve the timeThank you for your help !Ghislai...

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Resolved! TIM configuration in interrupt mode

 I am making use of TIMERs in STM32 in interrupt mode, and my doubt lies in its settings.It is known the formula to calculate the update event is given by: UpdateEvent = Timerclock / (Prescaler+1)(Period+1)​​Considering that the TimerClock is 48MHz a...

GComes by Associate II
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Nucleo-H745ZI-Q collegata a pmod I2S2

Salve,  il problema che riscontro con il seguente codice è quello di vedere in debug il caricamento dell'array tx da 4 a 7.  Anche provando a debuggare line by line vedo che il codice entra solo nella funzione  HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback senza mai ri...