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Resolved! NMI Fault While Debugging (STM32G474 nucleo board)

Hello,I keep getting an NMI fault when I attempt to read a variable with gdb (either with a mouseover on a variable in STM32CubeIDE or the print [var] command in gdb). I'm not seeing anything useful when I view the microprocessor registers after the ...

toofer25 by Associate
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Getting inaccurate value of ADC of STM32F030R8T6

Hello,I am working on STM32F030R8T6 with HAL.We are trying to read ADC values from the 4 ADC channels and 5th channel as VREFINT.The ADC is configured in continuous DMA read by using:HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc, (uint32_t *)ADC_Buffer, 5);Our AVDD = 3.3 ...

Resolved! DMA request generation on STM32H7

Hi!I am looking into the possibility on using LPTIM1 to trigger a DMA transfer with no CPU interrupt. This timer is chosen because it can be clocked directly by the HSE clock input. In the datasheet of STM32H7B3 (DS13139 - Rev 8) table 4, it states t...

HansPLJ by Associate III
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Resolved! NUCLEO HSE from ST-LINK MCO is never ready

Newbie here!Setup:STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1Brand new NUCLEO-L476RG with MCO from ST_LINK MCU, no mods to the boardNew STM32 project using CubeMX 6.6.1, default mode for peripherals usedSystem Core -> RCC -> HSE = BYPASS Clock SourceClock configuration show...

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gb2835 by Associate II
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STM32l4 + tinyusb + msc + sdmmc

Hi! I'm currently trying to mount my sdcard via MSC/SDMMC and tinyUSB. It worked fine with RAM, could read and write, but I probably do the commands wrong for SD Card. Mounting with FatFS works fine, but I cannot get it to display any device on my dr...

NW.2 by Associate II
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DCMI and DMA to save multiple images on RAM

I'm currently evaluating the STM32U5 series to connect to a camera via DCMI and store video (i.e., multiple frames/images). For now, I would like to keep things simple and also learn how the DCMI and DMA workflow is like. So, I'll keep this forum pos...

Question about USB 2.0 HS support on discovery board

I need to do some testing with the STM32F767BIT6 MCU, to use the USB 2.0 HS USB peripheral. I can see it's used on this dev board ( ) but the data sheet states...

Smashcat by Associate
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