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Forum Posts

Multiplexing I2C on STM32f4 Board

Hi allI am using 4 sensors on my project. These are comminicated with stm32f4 board via I2C. However there ara 3 I2C channel on stm32f4 board. Is it possible to connect them to same channel via  ı2c multiplexer ? As ı researched, the multiplexer is u...

Resolved! Can't find LL function to clear USART_ISR_RXNE_RXFNE

Dear Mr. or Ms.When I tried to clear IT flag of USART_ISR_RXNE_RXFNE, I can't find any fuction to do it.In stm32g4xxx_ll_usart.h, I can find fuction named LL_USART_IsActiveFlag_RXNE_RXFNE() but there's no function like LL_USART_ClearFlag_RXNE_RXFNE()...

yuanyuan by Associate II
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Electronic design for JTAG/SWD

Hello everyone,I've been looking for some time for an example of an electronic design that would allow me to use the STLINK-V3MINIE in JTAG mode.With my electronic schematic I can use it in SWD mode, which works very well.However, it's impossible to ...

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Boris19 by Associate III
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STM32U575 MMC operation issue

Hi,I need help on MMC operations.My project is using STM32U575 to access MMC chip (EMMC16G-IB29). It uses SDMMC1  on 4B bus (MMC 4bit wide bus). The U575 is running on 90MHz. The initialization sub is: static void MX_SDMMC1_MMC_Init(void){hmmc1.Insta...

hguan by Associate III
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Resolved! Emulator for STM32H745

Hello,We are using a hardware with STM32H745 controller with FreeRTOS.Can you please suggest a good PC Emulator which can be used to emulate above controller with FreeRTOS.Also we use UART, SPI, LED, CAN peripherals on the actual hardware. Can these ...

ATank.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Trying to use SPI emulator (AN4678) on STM32F405

Hello,I'm trying to read some data using the RX mode of the SPI emulator explained in AN4678 but I have a weird bug that I don't know how to fix.To quickly explain how it works, the SPI emulator uses TIM1 pin to generate a clock and a GPIO pin to beh...

arnaudg by Associate II
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STM32F103xC LQFP100 bootloader flash via ST link V2

Hai,Im having a devention dev10 fpv controller, it is detecting by windows but not recognizing via Dfuse tools to flash its firmware to "Deviation". So I decided to flash bootloader via ST link V2 tool. Anyone please help me to get the STM32F103xC pi...