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Forum Posts

ST future ARM Cortex M55/M85 line?

Are there any plans for ST to release an ARM Cortex M55 or (more hopefully for me) an ARM Cortex M85 line?I am extremely interested in their number-crunching and vectorization features, and am very keen to see how they would perform in a real-time au...

etheory by Senior II
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Resolved! Struggling with CAN Filter

Dear Community,   Once again I am struggling with CAN Filters for extended IDs using CAN2 on a STM32F765. I have the ID 0x010100 and the filter should look like 0xXX0101XX where the X hex should be ignored. One of my early approaches: uint32_t filter...

Anno by Associate II
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Hello, I have tested the kit discovery  NUCLEO-L010RB and the program PWR STANDBY(mcu STM32L010RB), this work fine. I would like do exactly the same test with the mcu STM32L010K8 (so the same family like STM32L010RB), but I have a problem, the progra...

Resolved! SPI NSSP on STM32F767ZI

Hello,Disclosure: I am fairly new to using STM based Microcontrollers, as well as DMA.I am using an STM32F767ZI MCU on a custom PCB. I am trying to Implement an SPI interface to an DAC Chip (AD5443) through DMA (no interrupts as of the moment). My DM...

sinannov by Associate
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Dual CAN on G491 (bare metal)

Hello,I implemented a FDCAN in bare metal on the STM32G491 that works on FDCAN1 (with one unrelated problem). Now I need the second one too. So when I try to send over FDCAN2 only garbage comes out on the CAN bus. Yet the CRC is correct so it is actu...

Resolved! STM32N6

It's been almost two years since word first appeared about STM32N6, but there is still no public information about when it will actually show up.Can we expect some news about it at the STM32 Summit next week?If not, what can one do in order to get so...

TLin.5 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H723 Input capture timer over DMA using Low Layer

  Hello STM Community,   I want to implement on STM32H723 ultrasonic sensor and I use TIM8 Input Capture mode to read time between falling edges. It worked on interrupts, but I want to use DMA in order prevent interrupt storm and to speed up calcula...

adakPal by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743Zit6 board CAN not working

 #include"STM32H743.h" /* CAN Handle */ FDCAN_HandleTypeDef hfdcan1; /* Function to Initialize CAN Peripheral */ void CAN_Init(void) { /*CAN GPIO Configuration (PB12 as RX, PB13 as TX)*/ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0}; __HAL_RCC_G...

bhargav23 by Associate II
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how to use stm32f407 dual can communication(can1 & can2)

Hello.I'm currently researching can communication with stm32f407vg​currently, i want to use can1 and can2 at the same time, but only one of them works.​​canfilter is used, and the test is currently in progress through timer interupt.​maybe the can fi...

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KHyun.1 by Associate II
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