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Forum Posts

Resolved! QSPI RAM on OSPI Interface of H7A3 MCU issues

Hi Guys,I need some help / input:I am trying to get the communication running between my Nucleo H7A3 and a Shield with a ISSI QuadSPI RAM in a SOP-8 Package running.Scenario:I am debugging with my Scope, I have a digital Probe on all 6 lines (CSn, Cl...

CBerg by Senior
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Problem setting up UART on STM32F756VGH6

Hi,I am learning and exploring the STM32F756VGH6. My goal is to setup a simple UART and send some data to the PC using USB-UART serial converter and  puTTy terminal on PC. I am using register based coding approach as it makes the code more efficient....

Vilius by Associate III
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RTC resets or stalls even with backup battery

I have an application running on STM32G491 which uses the RTC. There is an external 32768Hz crystal and a backup coin cell battery (I have checked that it is not depleted: 3.12V). There are two issues:Scenario #1: I pull the main battery, wait a bit,...

Resolved! USB XACT_ERROR response on BulkIn request

Hi all,we are developing a board based on STM32F429 chip.In particular I'm developing a composite USB device on USB OTG port, showing a custom device + a CDC device [ep 0x85, 0x06, 0x83] using USB_Device_Library code.Windows correctly shows 3 items: ...

SteMMo by Associate III
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WWDG on HSE not stopping when enter STOP mode.

Dear,Recently, when working with STM32U575 and using WWDG, I've encountered an unclear behavior when I set the controller to STOP mode by using HSE or HSI clock source.By using HSI and LSE clock source (See below code), when enter STOP mode, WWDG is ...

phuocly by Associate II
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STM32F401 ADC VrefInt and Vbat read issue

During simple task I need to measure Vrefint and Vbat, so, I open CubeMX and configure ADC to read Vrefint and VbatThan I setup a DMA to read values...I write a really simple program:/* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ #define ADC_BUF_SIZE 20 /* USER CODE END P...

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