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Resolved! 5V Tolerant GPIO pins (STM32F030K6T6)

I am interfacing a 5V PWM signal with an STM32F030K6T6 MCU using PB0. According to the datasheet this pin is 5V Tolerant. In the past, regardless of a pin's "tolerance" to 5V I have always used a level shifter to change this 5V signal to a 3.3V sig...

maximum baudrate on uart in half-duplex mode

I am using uart on STM32L07 to simulate 1-wire for operating ds28e22. 1-bit timing is more than 1us and less than 2us. When I set baudrate at 666666 which meant 1 bit timing was 1.5us, I found the rising edge was too slow (more than 1 us). So I want ...

Resolved! How to properly handle FDCAN TX FIFO

Hello,I have a STM32G431KB on a custom PCB and got the CAN bus to work. The only problem I have is that the TX FIFO is always filling up and the bus stops after 127 errors.The workaround I have is to abort the TX request./* Add message to Tx FIFO */ ...

PKavv.1 by Associate II
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STM32 and IAP

Hello, I have been trying to implement IAP in my device. But my code gets stuck in "UART_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout". For once I was able to transfer the binary file of the new user application but later whenever I am trying to send the binary file it is...

SPI Miso data out of sync

I have an optimized SPI Slave DMA setup which is driven by the chip select interrupt. It looks something like: int main(void) { // Initialize SPI SLAVE, SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT, SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(hspi, (uint8_t *)&spi...

delayed_data.png missing2.png
PG.19 by Associate II
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