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Hi ,   Recently, I`m using STM32H7 MCU to implement Ethernet Application. I have try TCP Client Echo from example code and it works. Then I want to try with MQTT and it always gets fault. And using mqtt_client_connect function, it will return ERR_RTE...
Hi All to Professional,I`m using the TouchGFX to work on my custom board. (STM32H7Series)And my environment of software tool.- STM32CubeIDE Ver 1.11.2- TouchGFX Desiger 4.20.0 Here`s the thing~I build the project with CubeIDE and setting all peripher...
Hi,I`m using small internal flash MCU for my research, so I need to store all function and data on external flash.The File Extension is called *.stldr that generated from External Loader Algorithm. After programming, all function works fine.Now I con...
Hi,​I`m using STM32G431 for practicing SPI protocol knowledge, but face some problem like below.​I use �?HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT】API to send (0x5A,0xA5) data out, but measure with Oscilloscope and figure out the wrong data.In �?SPI_TxISR_8BIT】show how d...
Hi all,​I`m trying to demo TouchGFX animation from my own board from CubeMX, and I have searched many method & document but less help,​/* My Tool Version */TouchGFX 4.15STM32CubeMX 6.1.1Package: STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.8.0/********************************...