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Forum Posts

Stm32f407 FatFs Long File Name

Posted on June 04, 2013 at 00:34Hi! I'm using popular fatfs library to handle my SD card. Now I have to use longer file name, so Ive decided to use LFN. With standard file name this code works fine:char lolek[]=''data1234.kml''; fresult = f_mount( ...

zbiku11 by Associate II
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LD8 (over-current) blinking

Posted on June 03, 2013 at 18:38Hi all, on my discovery STM32F4 the LD8 is blinking and I don't know why. There is nothing connected to 3V nor 5V pins but some 6 ADC inputs 5 PWM outputs, one UART and one I2C data connections. All devices are powere...

jamsoft by Associate II
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STM32f4: How fast can GPIO really be updated?

Posted on June 02, 2013 at 21:41I am using the STM32f4 series. My goal to drive an external parallel loaded DAC using data from the internal SRAM. So, I need to update the data on a GPIO port and then toggle a pin connected to the load control signa...

michael2 by Associate II
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MCO1 an low power mode

Posted on June 03, 2013 at 15:35Hi,I want to use MCO1 to control an external device using the LSE RTC crystal 32Khz. Does any body know what is the behaviour of MCO1 in stopped or standby mode for STM32F2 device?Thanks. #mco-low-power

Adalgiso by Associate II
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SQRT in stm32f4 ?

Posted on June 03, 2013 at 15:06Hello I want to use sqrt (square root) function to calculate sqrt (x^2 + y^2) but i haven't math.h in my root this is the error  undefined reference to `sqrt'  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status how can i fix it ple...

bmwael1 by Associate II
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Atollic variables

Posted on June 03, 2013 at 10:42Hello, I'm currently programmed a STM32F4 Discovery with the IDE Atollic. In my program, I get two fonction, the first in the file ''stm32f4xx_it.c'' and the second in the file main.c and i want to known if i can tran...

SPI1 on STM32F4Discovery

Posted on June 02, 2013 at 15:52Hi community, for a few days i try to use the SPI1 on the F4Discovery board. I use the PA5-PA7 pins on AF5. But after my init the code does nothing? What is wrong in my init function? #define Open_SPI_MISO_PIN        ...

dennis23 by Associate II
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stm32F4discovery usb problem

Posted on June 01, 2013 at 17:05I have implemented the code of this link that allows sending and receiving a file from a flash drive via the usb stm .. but the problem is that an indi...