2012-11-12 1:27 AM
Hi all,
I have a pressure sensor whose the impedance is in the range [1400W 3000W]. I would understand and know if the ADC impedance in stm32f1xx devices matches my sensor impedance or not?MCU Lüfter2012-11-12 1:50 AM
There are good explanations of the working principles of such sensors, like this:
, and others. Basically, it's not a good idea to connect the (analogue) output of a pressure sensor directly to an ADC input. Use an instrumentation amplifier (like the AD620) close to the sensor. Or, select a sensor with integrated amplifier electronics.2012-11-12 6:24 AM
ADC input impedance depends on sampling frequency, it's in datasheet of your device.
I have it in STM32F103 datasheet, section 5.3.18 12-bit ADC characteristicsFrom table 47:ts = 0.11us -> 0.4 kOhm maxts = 3.96us -> 50 kOhm max2012-11-12 7:35 AM
Hi knik,
Thank you for your reply. If I am at sampling time = 3.96us (50 kOhm max), how can I know if I can connect the pressure sensor whose the impedance is in the range [1400W 3000W]. PS: the sensor is mpx2102 and powered @ 3.3VMCU Lüfter2012-11-12 8:57 AM
It would mean sensor impedance is in the range 1400 - 3000 ohm, it should be ok to connect directly to ADC input. You can connect it in series with some resistor, e.g. 10k to protect the inputs, 3k+10k is still below 50k max ADC input.