User Activity

Posted on June 19, 2014 at 13:37Hi all,I am trying to retarget printf over USB-VCP and I am stcuk !I implemented the putc function in the following way:****************************************int fputc(int ch, FILE *f){  USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer(&hUSBDD...
Posted on June 04, 2014 at 16:45Hi all,I am looking for wireless tcp/ip solutions using STM32 and on ST's site I have only found STM32 with LWIP stack using wired ethernet.I have looked alos on Wifi modules available in the net and I have made the c...
Posted on January 25, 2014 at 23:56Hi all, I am using the Virtual COM port example provided by ST and I want to measure the performance according to:  1. Polling interval for transmitting data: CDC_IN_FRAME_INTERVAL  2. Buffer size allocated for rec...
Posted on January 11, 2014 at 13:49Hi all,I want to detect a falling edge on external pinn let's say PD13 by hardware but without using the interrupt capability (using EXTI + NVIC).At first time I thought it is possible to do that using EXTI only by...
Posted on January 06, 2014 at 12:19Hi all,I am looking for a free tool for ''USB device descriptor viewer'' running on windows.Does anyone has this kind of tool?I think there is someting from Microsoft but I didn't find it in the web.