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Resolved! STM32F769, generate a 2kHz clock on PC9.

Hi,I'd like to have a 2kHz clock source on PC9, I was wondering if I can use TIM3_CH4 or TIM8_CH4 to do it. May you please help me to figure out it? My question is how to generate a 2 kHz clock on PC9 if I would like to use TIM3_CH4 or TIM8_CH4? Howe...

AlbertC by Associate
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STM32 microsecond delay function with polling method

Hi,I am using stm32f0. I try to microsecond delay function. But, I observe that TIMx->CNT not increasing.I probably mistake on configutration function. But I could not solved. In 29 line, UF flag not to be setHere is my code;  void ledconfig(){ GP...

hazall by Associate III
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Resolved! How to debug Stm32H755 Cm4 Core to get SPI clock running.

Hey Everyone,  I am having an issue with the stm32h755 dual debugging. Im trying to run cm4 by itself without cm7. But the issue im having is, whenever I reset the MCU and check the SPI lines, I see a clock running. When I debug just cm4, I do not se...

ACand.3 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F446xC/E - Newbie - Help

Good morningI am a newbie about MCUs.I would like to begin with a STM32F446xC/E MCU and a led blinking small project.So, I need some help with basic topics.-Can I put the STM32F446xC/E on a breadboard?-Can I program the STM32F446xC/E with a Nucleo de...

FabioCC by Associate II
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STM32f071RB PA1 Comparator

Hello!I'm using Comparator 1 in the STM32f071rbt6 uC. The Comp  is properly configured, and sends an interrupt once triggered on PA1 referenced to PA4(DAC_OUT_1).it happened that the PA1 GPIO accidentally was not configured. Yet the comparator functi...

tage by Associate
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Resolved! CAN bus calculated data is wrong, preset data is right

Good day I am sending a CAN message from a STM32F042. The first two bytes are the value read from an ADC split into 2 bytes. Then just for testing I set 4 bytes to "F042" which is then a fixed value that i know its sending what I ask. The problem I h...

CAlbe.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G071R8 SPI using DMA not transmitting

- STM32G071R8T6, DMA chan 1 ADC's, DMA chan 2 SPI TX, DMA chan 3 SPI RX and DMA chan 4 DAC- Tested the SPI configuration without the DMA to a SPI EEPROM and it works.    Once the DMA configuration was used, we do not see any data being transmitted.  ...


Resolved! NUCLEO F446RE

About the board NUCLEO F446REIs it possie, with that board, and for learning purpose, to drive external devices such servomotors?If so, how are they connected to the board?Thanks

FabioCC by Associate II
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