Resolved! Where is ETH_PHY_INTN
In the reference Manual of STMH730, on Table 543, page 2825, there's a Port "ETH_PHY_INTN" listed. Where ist that port? Or where can I configure the GPIO to use for it? I cannot find anything in the datasheet.
In the reference Manual of STMH730, on Table 543, page 2825, there's a Port "ETH_PHY_INTN" listed. Where ist that port? Or where can I configure the GPIO to use for it? I cannot find anything in the datasheet.
Hi, i try migrate some old stdlib app into HAL or LL over new project in MX. On old system we have SPI init part for TX only master /* SPI configuration -------------------------------------------------------*/ SPI_I2S_DeInit(SPIx); SPI_InitStruc...
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Hello, I would like to pick an MCU based on ETM version available on it. This is needed to try out Orbtrace Mini tracing device. It is stated that its currently support ETMv3.5, also i am willing to test lower ETM version and higher too to check the ...
We have a custom PCB with a STM32H750 on it with Dual NOR Flash (W25Q12BJVSIM). I have been able to flash the code on all but one board. When I attempt to flash the board with STM32CubeProgrammer, I get a Warning: The core is locked up message. How d...
Hi,Hope this is a simple question.I use this device: STM32H753ZIT6I don't intend to use USB so looked in the datasheet and found the belowDoes that mean I can safely connect VDD33USB to GND?Thank you.
NVIC_Type members are different for CMSIS 5.90 to CMSIS 6.0.0. Member IP renamed to IPR.STM32F1 SPL needs to be modified to be compatible with CMSIS 6.0.0.
Hi There,I'm trying to set the clock configuration of an STM32L4S5 and have spotted some ambiguities in the reference manual concerning the maximum input frequency to the PLL:RM0432 6.4.4 says the following in the context of choosing the M value when...