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Forum Posts

STM32U5 Bluetooth and Camera

Hey all,Would I be able to use a Bluetooth module to view video stream from camera module in order for user to view camera feed while setting camera up in the field? I only need to see video stream when setting camera up, after that the camera will t...

Fail to adress memory

Hello, I'm attempting to establish communication between an STM32L552CET6 microcontroller and an external flash memory. When I manually initiate communication, the component responds to the microcontroller, indicating no hardware issues. However, whe...

flash memory issue.png

SW RESET while retaining particular GPIO state

Hello! I am currently working on the stm32h747 dual core microcontroller. i have a specific scenario where i must reset the system (i am using the "NVIC_SystemReset()" function for this purpose), however, i want to retain the state of several GPIOs (...

yuri CH by Senior
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STM32G0C1RETx in Boot mode.

Hi everyone,i am using stm32g0c1retx MCU for i2c communication in slave mode. in normal mode i am able to get the data and ACK on i2c line, even after changing the different slave addresses. i am using single address mode for communication. But, when...

Rohit007 by Associate III
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STM32F4 in hardfault caused by CAN

Hello everyone, I am using an STM32F405 for a communication over can. It is receiving the messages on CAN1 and CAN2. For drivers I use STM32_HAL. My initialization procedure goes the following way:Init clocksInit GPIOsInit CANInit CAN peripheralInit ...

Quo by Associate II
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STM32F407 - CAN2 and TIM7 problem

Hello,In my STM32F407G-DISCO based project I use CAN1 and CAN2 to communicate with two encoders. I read the position of the encoders every 4 ms. I use TIM6 to generate an interrupt every 4 ms. It all works beautifully - it sends the position of each ...

LukaszN by Associate
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Enable UART TX over ST-LINK/V2 on unused SWO pin

Hello, maybe a lame question, but how to force enable SWV even if the microcontroller in the project does not support it? Or use ST-link's SWO as console input? (does not have to be SWV)I got a project in Cube IDE for STM32G071KBU3 microcontroller us...

Jkman by Associate
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