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Dear All,I have created a project where I have placed the APS6408L memory on the HSPI1 peripheral of the STM32U5G9NJH6Q.On CubeMX, I am setting this in the peripheral configuration:And in the memory management tab I see this:I was expecting to see 16...
Dear All,I am working on the STM32U5A9 platform. I am migrating to this MCU a project that was developed on the STM32F7, that was using the HAL_SPI_DMAPause and HAL_SPI_DMAResume functions.Looking into the HAL of the U5 I see this:Why are these funct...
Dear All,I am attempting to migrate a project from a STM32F74NGH MCU to a STM32U599NJH MCU.In the F7 MCU I am applying the PWM on CH1 of TIM3 that corresponds to pin PB4.On the new setup I need to apply the PWM to pin PC5, which corresponds to TIM1, ...
Dear All,I am working with a STM32U599NJH6Q.If I understand things correctly it has 4MB of flash divided on 2 banks.Based on the sample in STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32U5x9J-DK\Examples\FLASH\FLASH_EraseProgram packet, in order to write to th...
Dear All,Currently I am trying to load some code to the STM32U599NJH6Q that is interfaced with the MT25QL128ABA QSPI flash over the OCTOSPI2 peripheral, using a JLink programmer.The pinout of this peripheral on my custom PCB is:I have also checked th...
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