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VCP on Nucleo : What's wrong ?

Posted on August 25, 2014 at 16:33Hello, I'm developping an internal production tool that uses a nucleo as MCU board. It uses the built in VCP to communicate with a .NET application. I'm using vitual com ports on many many apps and never had such pr...

root by Associate II
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SDIO TX underrun because of DMA FIFO error

Posted on October 05, 2012 at 15:03Hello,we are trying to work with SDIO at our FreeRTOS project, Without FreeRTOS everything works fine @ 16 MHz with Transcend miscroSDHC card, but if we try to do same test as FreeRTOS thread, we get TX underrun co...

rerayne by Associate II
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Configuring uClinux for STM32

Posted on August 25, 2014 at 15:32Hi. I am configuring uClinux for STM32F1. I have applied the STM32 patch. But, in the uClinux-dist/vendors, I am unable to find the STM32 folder. Besides, after menu makeconfig, I cannot find the vendor selection ta...

shauns87 by Associate II
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STM32L152 Flash Access

Posted on August 27, 2014 at 17:19 Hello Everyone, I am working on an STM32L152 based platform and trying place some data inside internal flash. As you may know, when a page is erased, in stm32L1, each bit is set to 0x00 instead of 0xFF....

Still a Problem

Posted on January 14, 2014 at 13:15The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.

update events from Tim7 using IRQ

Posted on August 27, 2014 at 13:50Hi All, i'm having issue on STM32F407 with update events,sometimes i'm getting IRQ immediatelly after init and sometimes first event is regular update event, did i missed some initialization step ? please help me .....

stm32f100 U(S)ART and busy flag

Posted on August 25, 2014 at 19:58I read the reference manual for circuit mentioned but I cannot find any flag in register for USART that will show there is some transmission/reception active. Is there someone who solved similar problem? I need this...

semler by Associate II
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Getting absolute variable addresses for STM studio

Posted on August 27, 2014 at 13:08HiI am using the stm32f072b discovery board for a project I am doing at my university.  I want to read values from the gyroscope and read them using stm studio. How would I found out where the address for the absolu...

16270827 by Associate
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STM32f4 SPI spurious Interrupt problem

Posted on August 27, 2014 at 09:47Hello,Kindly help me resolve the STM32F4 SPI interrupt problem.I am trying to connect two stm32f4 boards, one of it is stm32f439 evaluation board and other one is stm32f407 based my development board. I am testing i...

jagdish by Associate II
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