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Posted on August 05, 2014 at 14:38 Hi,I am facing an issue with SDIO for STM32F401RE Nucleo platform,I am trying to use CMD53 data command. From the functions below CMD53_Start(), I get correct response, I have verified the response is valid.Howeve...
Posted on July 17, 2014 at 06:32Hi,I am using STM32Cube FW F4 v1.3.0, using STM32F401 NucleoI am using the SDIO evaluation example provided in stm32f4x9i_eval_sd.c It do contains API for sendCommand, but I require some API's to perform CMD0, CMD3, C...
Posted on July 02, 2014 at 06:16 I am using SPI1 with HAL low level drivers, STM32CubeF4. I have used the following SPI configuration:-      SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi; hspi.Instance=SPI1; hspi.Init.Mode=SPI_MODE_MASTER; ...
Posted on July 01, 2014 at 15:16 I am using SPI1 with HAL low level drivers, STM32CubeF4. I have used the following SPI configuration:-      SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi; hspi.Instance=SPI1; hspi.Init.Mode=SPI_MODE_MASTER; hspi...
Posted on January 13, 2014 at 13:32 Hi, I am running USART3, on 921600 BaudRate, using RTS CTS, I am always facing system hang when I try to do RX and TX simultaneously. I have pasted the main and IRQ code. IRQ is designed to Transmit...