2014-07-20 7:30 AM
I made a mistake by Connecting, +5v to Ground, now the stm32f429i-discovery doesnot work anymore, only the LED4(PG14) flash.
How to fix it? Thanks2014-07-20 7:44 AM
Identify the part or parts damaged and replace them. Review the schematic to identify potentially damaged parts, and test the voltages and signals on key pins.
If this fails, replace the board.2014-07-20 2:51 PM
Where was the 5V supplied from? Is it stable (can you check with a meter)? As long as it was only the 5V the main components are all the other side of the regulator (3V) so they should be OK. If you were using the USB to supply it D2 may be damaged and not passing enough current for the board to start up which may explain the LED flashing.
You could try feeding 5V directly onto the board using the 5V pins on the top of P1 and 0V to the bottom pins.2014-07-20 5:42 PM
Dear Tede,
I connected the P1(+5v) to the ground by mistake. Any idea? Thanks