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stm32072xx PLL and clock config

Hi,I'm newbie but I need to check if the second code block includes the first code block.I'm dealing with stm32F072xx.If required I can share more part of code.1:RCC->CR |= RCC_CR_HSION;while(!(RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSIRDY)){};RCC->CFGR &= ~(RCC_CFGR_PLLM...

Gaucho by Associate II
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I2C Sequential Transfer Function

I am configuring STM32L496ZGP as an I2C Slave. Master is a software(i.e.)Aardvark Total Phase Control Center and I am sending some data for this I2C Slave to main(void){   HAL_Init();   SystemClock_Config();   MX_GPIO_Init();  MX_I2C2_Ini...

ADC oversampling - how does this work exactly?

In the RM the section on the hardware oversampling "25.4.31 Oversampler" is quite brief in it's explication, it states that "There are no changes for conversion timings in oversampled mode: the sample time is maintained equal during the whole oversam...

Robmar by Senior III
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STM32F407-BareMetal Clock Setting not working

Hi all, I tried to configure the clock to run at 32MHz and I was using Systick to toggle the LED every 1 Sec by configuring the Systick reload value by 32Mhz -1. But, Somehow toggling is not happening for exactly 1 sec, and also used a logic analyzer...


GPIO interrupt triggered incorrectly

I am using micro switches in my system with the GPIO EXTI. I would like to detect only the press of the switch, but the interrupt was triggered on both press and release of the switch. The interrupts were even triggered twice on each press and releas...

hchienti by Associate II
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Nfc01a1 wont work properly

Hello everyone, I am new to the world of STM32 and am trying to get a bit familiar with the topic. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with the code to read the UID from an NFC tag. The code itself has no errors and is uploaded to the microcontroller. Unfortuna...

Tamti by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H745BI SPI port does not start

I am trying to get a SPI port up and running on an STM32H745BI chip but after configuring the port and starting the transmission I never see any signals on the pins and the port never gets an End Of Transmission (EOT) high signal. Startup code is lis...

ews by Associate II
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