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Hi,I am using a STM32H5 as SPI slave DMA (the main clock is at 250Mhz and SPI clock is at 160Mhz)... I am trying to receive data (2072 Bytes) from a master with a clock of 4Mhz and I am having some OVVERUN is this normal. When the master clock is at ...
Hi,I have I project (STM32H743IIT6) and I want to know if it's possible to have use a display 1280x800 24bpp? if it's not possible can I still have a display with a resolution of 1280x800 but with les bpp? Can I use a different MCU STM32H757XIH6 or a...
Hi, I need to modify this schematic, I want to use one USB connection connected to an STM32. - When the STM32 is on Bootloader mode, A virtual com port will be open and I should have an option to save a mp3 file inside the external flash (GD25P32)- W...
Hi,why MBEDTLS cann't work with azureRTOS (Iam using stm32h7) ? Thank you
Hi,I am doing a new design of a board and I am wondering what is better to have as in interface for a external memory FMC or Octospi? Thank you
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