clock set problem
Posted on February 06, 2015 at 17:47 hi all mcu stm32f103 VBAT pin I have connected the to battery mcu or external I have connected the 3.2 volts I have set rtc_setcount hour =23:59:59 hour = 0 now works no pr...
Posted on February 06, 2015 at 17:47 hi all mcu stm32f103 VBAT pin I have connected the to battery mcu or external I have connected the 3.2 volts I have set rtc_setcount hour =23:59:59 hour = 0 now works no pr...
Posted on January 31, 2015 at 16:03I create a program for uart interrupt receiving by cubeMX in ARM-MDK. I want interrupt receivng from PC(when for example 0xFF received from pc by hyperterminal or docklight). I write bellow program. main() { whi...
Posted on February 06, 2015 at 16:31Hi All, I'm developing an application with STM32F407, keil RTC rtos and keil libraries. I've implemented the redirection of the printf message as suggested in many examples. It works fine, and I see the applicatio...
Posted on February 06, 2015 at 17:37Hey,In my project, I add some buttons on the dialog, but I have an issue on the button event. the click event WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED works well but th release WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED is never triggered, I have t...
Posted on February 04, 2015 at 17:46Hello I'm using the Update Event (UEV) of TIM1 to count the CNT overflows (CNT > ARR). I'm using the capture compare IRQ of TIM1 on channel 1 to catch the rising edges of an input signal. Now I've got a strange t...
Posted on February 06, 2015 at 15:16I have Touch LCD interface connected to my STM32F429I , on the board , the PENIRQ of the touch chip (XPT2046) is connected to PE3 , thus it is connected to EXTI3. I tested the touch module and could make it work p...
Posted on December 22, 2014 at 20:21I've really tried to google but did not really find anything.Are there any open source dev boards or just simple boards designed in KiCad and using the smaller or the larger LQFP packages?I have one for LQFP 100 b...
Posted on January 09, 2015 at 16:39There's a bug in STM32CubeF3 Rev 1.1.0 ''STM32F3348-Discovery/Examples/HRTIM/HRTIM_BuckBoost'' example, causing the TIMA timer to generate PWM with the wrong frequency. This is due to the TIM1 Compare2 init structu...
Posted on January 02, 2015 at 18:32Hello, I've test the STM32F303 for using it in a new project. The configuration and libbrary are used from the CubeMX with the IAR compiler. Now I can maximum transmit 4 bytes over the UART with one DMA transfer. H...
Posted on February 06, 2015 at 06:12I am using the st32cube HID middle ware library to implement a keyboard device. I am using USBD_HID_SendReport to send key data to the host. But this function will exit without doing anything if the bus is not a...