Resolved! Switch off VREFBUF on STM32U5
Is it possible to switch VREFBUF clock off after configuration for power save? So the clock is off and the buffer is providing Vref.In DS there is no mention about it (e.g OPAMP has this note).
Is it possible to switch VREFBUF clock off after configuration for power save? So the clock is off and the buffer is providing Vref.In DS there is no mention about it (e.g OPAMP has this note).
Hi All,I’m new to using the STM32H563 solution. To send SPI data using DMA, I referred to the sample code from the SPI DMA sample of the H533RE project.I'm not sure when exactly the SPI is start to transfer the data by DMA.The following is a part of ...
On my custom board based on the STM32G071CBT6 mcu I use ADC multichannel DMA conversions, DMA continuous requests, triggered by TIMER2 out event and driven with HAL library (STM32G0 firmware package V1.6.2). I get ADC conversion results by the conver...
Hello,I have a question regarding doing a firmware update via the USART-pins and IO-Link.Would it be possible to use a IO-link master module to sent an update to the L6362A which translates it to 3.3V UART for the STM32G0B1KEU6 we are using in our cu...
We have a new revision that has a significant population of boards with this intermittent power issue. steps to reproducepress power buttonpower applied to the MCU the MCU only prints a single debug message, then haltspress reset: device works normal...
Hi,I used PA12 & PA11 as input gpios(pull-up) in STM32U595VJT6Q ,read the pins are always '0'.The IOs connected NOTHING.I reference RM0456 : I config USBPWREN and VDD11USBDIS bits used the HAL functions before GPIO_Init():HAL_PWREx_EnableUSBHSTrance...
Hi, Community,I'm trying to understand the OCTOSPI peripheral on my STM32L4P5. I'm new to STM32, but old in embedded. Particularly, I need to know/affect the idle level of the data line of the OCTOSPI. I thought that the last transmitted bit would re...
Hi! I'm looking to implement a phase vocoder algorithm on an STM32F4/STM32F7 and I was wondering if anyone has already done this and can provide suitable resources?Thanks!
Hello,I am using "NUCLEO-H743Zi2" eval board. I am using it for UART communication. I had configured UART4 in it as following;PA0 as UART4_TXPA1 as UART4_RXWhen I tried to transmit, it is not transmitting more than 2 bytes. While receiving, it is not...
Hi,I'm attempting to set up an STM32U575 as an I2C slave. (The master is a F301)My problem is that the slave only receives one byte, and then proceeds to disregard all of the following data.I have set up a switch that turns on an RGB LED, depending o...