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In contrast to the STM32L0 that I am migrating from to the newer STM32U083, the U0 clock tree (Reference manual RM0503 V2.0 figure 11) does NOT show that timer clocks are PCLK*2 when APB prescaler>1.Also, it states in 5.2.14 that timer clock TIMPCLK ...
I'm trying to find out the exact steps to regress an STM32U083 to an erased state after programming it with the OEMiRoT example project and and locking it to RDP2 by the accompanying provisioning.bat script.Will be using STM32CubeProgrammerCLI (or th...
The OEMiRoT project uses ExitSecureMemory V1.1 to enable 1 MPU region and start the application. This automatically enables the configured HDP region, so application cannot access the bootloader. The default OEMiRoT project allows for 2 tiny 64kB app...
I'm aiming to use the OEMiRoT sample project as a concept for secure updating of a large single-slot application in STM32U083 (need application size at least 160kB for migration from STM32L071). For that I need to give the bootloader a driver for ext...
I'm planning to drop in an STM32L083RC into a design made for STM32L071/073/083RZ (LQFP64) and was confident after reading AN6091 that apart from USBVDD it would be pincompatible.It appears I cheered too soon, after I dived into the U083 datasheet an...
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