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Forum Posts

SD Card 1 Byte Write

Hello  we Have Custom Build PCB Board where we Mounted SD card Interface and Using stm32f4xx_HAL_SD.c Library file in which 512 byte Hard Coded as config.DataBlockSize = SDIO_DATABLOCK_SIZE_512B;, but we have to write Byte  means don't block size of ...

AGond.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! IOselect option in STM32H563 is not working

I am trying to use second half of OCTOSPI pins in single memory mode by setting MSEL bit for QUAD SPI communication with Flash memory. Even though i set the MSEL bit to send the data through 7 to 4 pins, still data is going through the 3 to 0 pin onl...

Nagarajan by Associate III
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Error with Step one opening file example

Upon selecting the directory:C:\Users\myname\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube _FW_L4_V1.11.0\Projects\NUCLEOL476RG\Examples_LL\ GPIO\GPIO_InfiniteLedTogglingI am unable to see the project file:GPIO_InfiniteLedToggling\SW4STM32 \STM32L476RG_NUCLEOAlso, ...

ks12345 by Associate
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Resolved! external RAM for stm32h753zi

Hi, my program required a large amount of RAM memory, how can i know which external memory i can choose? and which peripheral is dedicated for this? 

Ditzhak by Associate III
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ADC polling of multiple channels

Hello,After setting up a 4 channel read with DMA, I ran into the problem, that the value of the internal temperature sensor seemed to not change at all. The values of the read out potentiometer however were plausible.So I wanted to check all used cha...

Resolved! HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA issue

Hi There,I have searched a lot about the  HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA problem and seems like i have not found anywhere else this issue has been solved.Can anyone contribute if someone has solved it. Thanks

Resolved! STM32h7b0 - System memory bootloader AN2606

Hi, I'm having issues on our custom board jumping to the system memory bootrom.Likely i have a software issue but would like to clarify the system memory address for the bootloader. This is usually listed in AN2606 but there is no explicit mention of...