User Activity

Hello! I have an old and huge project developed in TrueSTUDIO v9.2 and I'm trying to debug it using the ST-Link V2 (fw V2J43M28) by SWD interface. But right after "Debbuger connected" message, I've got an error: Failure at line: 13. Error finishing f...
Hello guys!I'm using USB custom HID on STM32G0B for an application alike the mouse demo on "STM32G0C1E-EV" HAL package. But instead a button sending the Report, a PC software sends a 64 bytes Report to get another 64 bytes as answer.In fact, this sam...
Hello!I'm working with STM32G0B1 MCU and using CubeMX, I've enabled RCC_MCO for PA9 pin (HSI 16 source, 128 as prescaler) and a simple Input for PA8 pin. The code was generated to CubeIDE and "SystemClock_Config" function calls this method at the end...
Hello!I'm porting a working code from H750VB to H730VB, generating a new HAL core from STM32CubeMX, but right after entering on "SystemClock_Config" function at debug mode, I've got the message "Break at address 0x46bd3718 with no debug information a...
Hello!I'm trying to use the embedded bootloader on STM32F042K6T6, by UART protocol, but no luck yet. I'm using USART1 pins (PA9/PA10) and BOOT0 to a button and 3v3, so I press this button and power on my board. On STM32CubeProgrammer, I've selected m...
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