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Resolved! I2C Timing configuration for STM32G4xx

Hello guys,I am having problems setting the correct I2C clock on the STM32G4xx in Master Mode. The example configuration from the data sheet for 400 kHz at 16 MHz f_I2CCLK generates 432 kHz (RM0440-Rev4: P1892 Table 381). I use the __LL_I2C_CONVERT_T...

uhl by Associate
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Resolved! Multiple function for interrupt

Hi all,I'd like to know if is ti possible to have multiple callback for interrupt. Beceause with HAL and CubeMX if I have multiple interrupt, I have only one function for callbackHAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandlerexample in stm32f4xx_it.c :  void EXTI0_IRQHand...

SBaro.11 by Associate III
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STM32H723 I2S or SAI

Hi,I need to use the I2S (or SAI) interface to connect a codec stereo working at 48KHz, 32bit word length and I2S connection; when I configure the multimedia I can select the SAI interface (SAI1 or SAI4) or one of the I2S interface available.Which ar...

carloV by Associate II
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bootloader on usart1 not working on stm32h747

hi,i have a custom board with stm32h747xih6. i am trying to boot the device from usart1 on pins PA9/PA10 with no success. booting from usart1 on pins PB14/PB15 is working fine but requires new layout. jtag works fine too.when trying boot from PA9/PA1...

PShad.2 by Associate
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Resolved! Understanding uSD and MCU changing

Hi, I was trying to have microSD logging with F439 Nucleo. I can't see example with mentioned board. Please let me know:1. example for mentioned board to log data in microSD2. I tried configuring SD-4 bit, but couldn't identify the pins intialized in...

GauravK by Senior
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Resolved! UART FIFO depth

Hello good day,I am using the STM32H755 Nucleo board. In the UART module, how are the FIFOs managed? According to the datasheet, there is one TX FIFO and one RX FIFO.What is the actual depth of these FIFO?

sarun by Associate III
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