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SCB_EnableDCache is stuck

HiI'm using STM32H753 and I enabled the icache and dcache , generated the code , and run it.The function SCB_EnabIeICache() ends but SCB_EnabIeDCache() is stuck.The project is an empty one.What can be the cause of it ?Thanks!

Rb7 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F4 Timer Period Discrepancy

I am setting up Timer 1 channel 3 on the STM32F4. I am looking to set up a period of 3.9ms or 256kHz. I am using ABP1 - 168kHz, the ARR is set to 65535, and a prescaler of 10. 65535 / ( 168,000,000 / 10) = 3.9msMy timer initialization is below.    _t...

mtw by Associate
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STM32H747 ADC reading isuue

Hi STM team,We are using stm32h747, with CM7 we are reading ADC value in polling mode, when source is not conneted still we are reading 0.5 to 1.8 volts, when the temperature increases from 40 C to 60 C this ADC voltage reading increase with rise in ...

SPate.11 by Associate II
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DFSDM filter and aliasing

Hi,I see an alias, using DFSDM (sinc3) and a PDM mic at 16kHz, while a speaker produces 1...24kHz.The spectrogram is attached.As I understand, the DFSDM filter has a notch at 16kHz rather than at 8kHz, and attenuates 8kHz for 12dB only.Is it possible...

ERROR by Associate II
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Resolved! SPI communication between two controllers

I am trying to figure out SPI communication between two microcontrollers: I have an STM32H755 Nucleo and a Nucleo G47RE. I tested basic communication by shorting MOSI and MISO on both boards separately, and it works in full duplex master mode. Both c...

sarun_3-1718101043409.png sarun_2-1718100868669.png sarun_0-1718100703317.png sarun_1-1718100751506.png
sarun by Associate III
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Why I am getting FLASH->SR reset value is 0xC0

HiI am using STM32L476ZG MCU development board. I created a new project without adding any interrupts. I noticed that FLASH->SR = 0xC0 at reset and when I try to clear it, it comes back after the next command I execute.I'll add screen shots to clarif...

Flash_SR_1.PNG Flash_SR_2.PNG Flash_SR_3.PNG Flash_SR_4.PNG
Namir by Associate
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Resolved! stm32h503cbt isn't working with high frequency

I am using STM32H503CBT6 with a frequency of 250MHz, but my program is not running. I have a counter variable in a while loop, but it is not incrementing. When I lower the frequency to 100MHz, the program works. Please help me!

giangpa by Associate II
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Resolved! FDCAN on STM32G0

Hi, I am trying to communicate via FDCAN with a board equipped with a STM32G0 by using this library I already tested it successfully with both STM32H743 and STM32H723 but I am having troubles with the G0  When I ...

Angelo3 by Associate III
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