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COM port drop out

I have a written C# windows application that receive data continuously from MCP2221A. MCP2221A receive data from STM32 UART through receive data line. When the laptop goes for sleep (in battery mode), it send a suspend signal (it will go low) to the ...

cjaya.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Regarding ANA pins of STM microcontrollers

We are using STM32H743IIK6 microcontroller. There are analog only pins, designated as ANA. What is the use of these pins? Also, what will be the difference when GPIO is used for analog functionality and ANA pins are used for the same purpose? 

AkshayMR by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H5 DCMI maximum input data size

Hi.I want to acquire data from a 5M pixel image sensor (for example OV5640) with YCbCr4:2:2, 8bit using DCMI.(I want to process the image data, so I need to transfer it to memory using DMA)However, AN5020 and RM0481 (Rev1) mention a maximum of 2048*2...

BLUE by Associate
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STM32G491 Pin1 Marking

Hey, i got this STM32G491MET6The datasheet does not really help here to identify pin 1, since there are 4 markings to see. Anyone has a clue on this? In the previous revision of this datasheet, Pin 1 is bottom left . Already burnt 2 mcus because of t...

TwixMeow by Associate
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Resolved! stm32h745 disco

Hello, i bought this board and the board was burned with sw with signal genrator and other things. Somone can send me the .HEX file that i can burned it again? i cant found this file.

Resolved! Bootup Delay on STM32F446

Hello,I am running simple LED Blinking on STM32F446RE.I want to measure the Bootup Delay once it is Hard Reset.I have conducted the following test through Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer.I want to know and prove this through calculation.Is there any ...

Nibesh by Associate
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