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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32 DR register 0 when multiple SPI in use

I have two SPI buses activated SPI1 (flash memory) and SPI3 (nrf24l01) on my STM32F407. Separately, they work fine. But, if I transfer something via SPI1, SPI3 read from the register always returns 0 (and in DR register for SPI3 is also 0, BUT someti...

Resolved! RM0410 Rev 4 memory map error

The memory map shown on page 76 of the reference manual for the stm32f76xxx shows the following figure:I believe the addresses in blocks 5...6 are not correct and that it should be as follows:  

nick_berg_0-1717528337549.png nick_berg_1-1717528433103.png
nick_berg by Associate II
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Bug in stm32_adafruit_sd.c (SPI SD CARD)

Posted on February 02, 2018 at 21:28 \STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.0\Drivers\BSP\Adafruit_Shield\stm32_adafruit_sd.c Issue with ReadBlocks/WriteBlocks on SDHC cards, offset advances in BlockSize!!! ReadAddr should increment by 1. The current routine del...


Resolved! STM32H745 On-board Flash Storage

Hi,I am building a product where I have to store calibration data and retain it even after power off.I am using the STM32H745ZiT6 and would like to use its flash to read/write data. As I have setup communication between the two cores I have the curre...

__silardg by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 UART1 and UART3 conflicts

I’m experiencing an issue while developing firmware on a STM32L431CCU6 connected to: Xbee module (XB3-24Z8CM-J) via UART1RS485 driver (ST1480ABDR_ Via UART2 HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(USART1_IRQn, 0, 0); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(USART1_IRQn); HAL_NVIC_SetPriori...

msingh08 by Associate II
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HRTIM doesn't run in Fast Mode

I'm trying to use the HRTIM TimerA on the STM32-G474 to generate a one pulse on TA1 output in response to an external event on hrtim_eev1.I need the pulse to be generate with low latency and low jitter, but I'm not being able to get the Fast mode wor...

HRTIM_One_Pulse_Settings_01.JPG HRTIM_One_Pulse_Settings_02.JPG
cosmic by Associate
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SD Card 1 Byte Write

Hello  we Have Custom Build PCB Board where we Mounted SD card Interface and Using stm32f4xx_HAL_SD.c Library file in which 512 byte Hard Coded as config.DataBlockSize = SDIO_DATABLOCK_SIZE_512B;, but we have to write Byte  means don't block size of ...

AGond.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! IOselect option in STM32H563 is not working

I am trying to use second half of OCTOSPI pins in single memory mode by setting MSEL bit for QUAD SPI communication with Flash memory. Even though i set the MSEL bit to send the data through 7 to 4 pins, still data is going through the 3 to 0 pin onl...

Nagarajan by Associate III
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