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cubemx code generation issue

Posted on April 11, 2016 at 10:56Hi,I'm developing some application with STM32L4 uC, cubeMX and truestudio.Unfortunately after some modification  cubeMX do not generate compile-able code. I dig into the problem and found out that if I go into the .c...

STM32F103 Issues with CAN TX Mailboxes

Posted on April 16, 2016 at 23:47Hello,I'm working on a cpu intensive project involving CAN bus.My idea is to use all the 3 available TX mailboxes.I do my processing, fill up the mailboxes and trigger the transmission. Transmission is started just a...

SPLabs by Associate II
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small doubt regarding CAN in stm32F103

Posted on April 16, 2016 at 07:17Hi,I am using STM32F103 and keil compiler.I am configuring CAN, but while configuring I got small doubts.As we know CAN is multi-Master protocol. But in data sheet i can see (CAN1 Master) an CAN2 as Slave.Can anybody...

Timer, motor _speed

Posted on April 09, 2016 at 16:45Hello,I wanna calculate the motor speed using timer of STM32F4. I wanna know the time spended in one revolution.  So , who would  explain for me how can I do that . thanks a lot.

Measuring the time duration between two pulses

Posted on May 23, 2013 at 17:11Hello,I want to do something ''simple'': measuring the time duration between two button presses. In my application, the user can press a button repetitively and the STM32F4 will calculate the time between two pulses to...

Stm32f407+freertos tickless mode

Posted on May 08, 2014 at 23:04Hello everybody. I have a working code with stm32f407 and freertos. I want to use stop mode at the microcontroller. I read the tickless mode at freertos, this is for use the sleep mode. If I define this mode, my code g...

totti001 by Associate II
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External NOR Flash access on STM32F407

Posted on April 15, 2016 at 09:43Hi I am having trouble in accessing the external NOR flash on STM32F407 device. As per the user's manual, the FSMCs have been set up but the I doubt whether it's correct or not. Has anyone tried it before or do ST ha...

sanks85 by Associate
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Standby mode and rtc with STM32L

Posted on September 05, 2014 at 13:07Hi, i'm using the STM32L151 for a little project. I use an external crystal for the rtc to show time and date in a display. If battery is low i want to save battery power, so in this case i activate the standby...