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Posted on December 18, 2017 at 20:19Ok, I having more than a bad week regarding ST products.I hit very new problem with Nucleo-H743ZI. Generated projects, example projects hang when flashing code to MCU.with STLink utility, i can program it with hex...
Posted on December 18, 2017 at 11:22Hello, since I had no luck with HALL drivers, i started to look into LL libraries.It is shame, that where is no example for each peripheral, it would make it so easy to implement.Does any body has SRAM example ? I...
Posted on December 17, 2017 at 11:34Hello.I have STM32F767 interfaced with FPGA with 32b SRAM interface ( same board STM32F479, and it works extremely well)I checked IO pins, at the moment only CS, toggled it manually, FPGA can see it at 109MHz, no ...
Posted on December 01, 2017 at 17:08HelloFor my project i need larger fully compatible with HALL fonts. I have 24 size font, but i need at least 5 times larger. Or any larger will doAny one know where to find it ?Thanks#fonts #hall
Posted on November 12, 2017 at 10:03Hello.I want to teach simple programming for my friend, and guess what, none of DSI examples for STM32F469i-Disco worked from CubeMX folder.\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.16.0\Projects\STM32469I-Discovery\Applications\Displa...