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SPL Code Wizzard

Posted on March 28, 2016 at 13:49Hi, i am using STM32 few years and long time i was looking for some kind of ''code wizzard'', like CubeMX, but with SPL. I think old MicroXplorer done this job, but it was so much complicated for my purposes. I code...

LPtimer : modify register on the fly

Posted on March 24, 2016 at 16:03Hi,I'm using the STM32L4 with the low power timer (LPTIM1).I'm using it with the LSE clock in counter mode with IT (the counter count until reaching AutoReload value, then it goes into interruption ...).I'd like to k...

cbardou by Associate II
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ptpd-2.3.1 , lwIP-1.4.1 ,HAL driver example

Posted on March 28, 2016 at 12:59Hi , I 'm working on an ptp application using stm32f4xx. The only existing example project: stsw-stm32035 is using  following  libraries: ptpd-2.0.0 ,lwIP-1.3.1 ,StdPeriph-Drivers. What Im looking for is an example p...

yekta by Associate
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Question about FLASH programming

Posted on March 26, 2016 at 21:21If I understand right, to program FLASH, I have first to erase all page. Even if I want to store only one word of data. Is that true?But page erasing is very slow - about 20 ms regarding to datasheet. This is not acc...

matic by Associate III
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CanRx no callback

Posted on March 14, 2016 at 11:26 Hi, I wrote about in other topic but it was not clear so I took decision to start other topic. I'm working with CAN of F103 with CubeMX configuration. Transmiting works fine but I have pr...

bartocham by Associate II
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Stereo vision?

Posted on March 26, 2016 at 17:23Hello, I'm a software guy and I need help for a new project on depth measurement with stereo cameras. There are a few commercial modules available, but they don't fit our requirements because of size or lack of firmw...

ec by Associate
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DMA_MultiBufferSetConfig example

Posted on December 17, 2015 at 01:44Hi, is there any example of how to implement DoubleBuffer mode for DMA transfer? I have I2S stream and DMA configured on Circular Mode, but I need to implement double buffering. Thank

How to send uint32_t hex via USART

Posted on March 26, 2016 at 05:33Hi All,I would like to send uint32_t hex via USART, but no idea how to do it.for example:uint32_t buffer[2];buffer[0] = 0x12345678;buffer[1] = 0x87654321;USART_puts(buffer[0])  <-- ????  the USART_puts length is uint...

STM32CubeL4 v1.4.0

Posted on March 25, 2016 at 00:22I upgraded to STM32CubeMX 4.14.0 and it tries to update STM32L4 FW to V1.4.0; at 39MB of the 224MB download it stops with a ''Problem during download'' error and if I try to download it at