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CubeIDE 1.16.0 and/or CubeMX 6.12.0.STM32H563 - SPI devices 4, 5, and 6 only support data widths of 8 or 16 bits. IDE/MX have a Data Size dropdown that let you choose 4 - 16 bits. Widths other than 8 or 16 blow up in HAL_SPI_Init when the data width ...
Using NUCLEO-H563ZI, FW_H5 V1.3.0, CubeIDE 1.16.0, MacOS 14.5.I've been beating my head against the wall, getting some test code going.4 ADC channels, 2 on ADC1, 2 on ADC2.Conversions triggered by timer 3. (200 groups of 4 conversions per second)Resu...
I just installed 6.12.0 on my MacOS 14.5 system.First, the updater requires administrative privileges, which is not a thing, so you have to fire up a terminal session, cd into the 6.11.0 application bundle to just the right place, sodo execute the ap...
I was updating CubeProg on MacOS 14.5 and had a few issues, but first IT WORKED. It let me know that administrative privilege is required (it isn't), but it plowed ahead and worked anyway.Here are the things that I ran into:It does this on 2.16 as we...
I'm working on some code in CubeIDE but need some settings from another project. I have two choices, I can keep switching between .ioc files (which doesn't work well since I can't have both open at the same time), or I can fire up CubeMX on the other...