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Forum Posts

Reading EEPROM using I2C with HAL library

Posted on July 04, 2016 at 09:30 Hi, I am trying to read the content of an EEPROM,24AA02E48T, using HAL I2C library. There is an example for this task which has been done in SPL instead of HAL and can be found at

STM32F407VET6 LED glowing in input mode

Posted on July 01, 2016 at 06:24I am using STM32F407VET6 board.I wants to ON and OFF LED using GPIO(PORT B & PIN 8). It is 5V tolerant . I reset the gpio and glow the led .But when I set gpio in INPUT mode still LED glowing.It is 5V tolerant.Why? ...

anjaly by Associate
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CubeMX 4.15.1 (with F7 1.4.0) broke the UART

Posted on June 25, 2016 at 01:59My UART interface was working great under CubeMx 4.14 with STM32F7 library v1.3.  There are a lot of changes to the UART HAL (not mentioned in the release notes for CubeMx, and there are no release notes for CubeF7) i...

kevin2399 by Associate III
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NUCLEO L476RG Eval board examples

Posted on July 04, 2016 at 07:42Hi,I bought STM32L476RG Eval board. I am using SW4STM32 workbench to program my applications. Can any one tell me from where i can get the examples to start with STM32L476RG Eval board.

BUG in STM32F030 reference manual.

Posted on July 01, 2016 at 14:56The register descriptions of the USART mention several times that the feature is optional and might not be implemented on my device (or my specific usart). I've seen such a table with other peripherals, but I can't fi...

how i can tarnsmit and receive 1 byte

Posted on July 03, 2016 at 07:14Hi How i can transmit and receive 1 byte by SPI and use of HAL layer for STM32F4 to do for example below routin: while(1) {     while (__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&hspi1,SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET);     temp=0x00;     HAL_SPI_Tran...

hamzeh by Associate
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