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Stm32CubeMx Problem

Posted on July 02, 2016 at 19:42Dear Users,My problem is that CubeMx can not work right now, Main problem is, When I click to CubeMx, It can open normally, but I want to create a new project, it stay on white screen.I dont know what is the main prob...

USB audio stop enumerate after adding usart3

Posted on July 02, 2016 at 13:08Hi all! I'm trying to implement a usb audio sound card with stm32f4 discovery and then build an external DAC and headphone amp. I've found an excellent source code from tjaekel, which has everything I need to begin wi...

dimtass by Associate II
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STM32F427ZGT6 - Code Assisttance

Posted on July 02, 2016 at 00:51Hi, I received a cicuit board with the STM32F427ZGT6 uC on it.  I don't write code and asking for some help.  I have a push-button on PG8 (normally open) and when pressed I'd like to set PB7 high. When the push-button...

BC1999 by Associate II
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Driving TFT-LCD on STM32Fx with HAL

Posted on July 01, 2016 at 17:07 Hello guys, I am using Keil Uvision 5.2 and cube Mx for developing STM32 MCUs. and I want to Drive a TFT-LCD which the size is 2.8 inch and it has 320*240 pixels and it has ILI9328 driver inside. I have few inform...

HAL Timer Triggered SPI Transfer

Posted on June 27, 2016 at 17:02 I am trying to transfer data to spi using timer 3 as a time base. Timer 3 works fine. Than I am using : DMA1 Stream2 Channel5 to trigger memory to SPI2->DR transfers, with no joy. //TIMER 3 CHAN...

ferrario by Associate III
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STM32F4 DMA and Varying Duty Cycle

Posted on June 28, 2016 at 03:09 Hi everyone, I am wondering how to go about setting up a varying duty cycle on an F4 board using the DMA. This is for a personal project of mine, I have asked around and believe my code does not have any g...

Need help to get started with bootloader program

Posted on June 29, 2016 at 19:11I've read a few documentations from STMicro but still not sure what the actual steps to do a proper bootloading.  Here is what I understand so far.1. First the bootloader firmware is already on the uC so I don't have ...

Vu.Andy by Associate III
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