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Forum Posts

Timer interrupt discontinuity issue using stm32f103c8t6

Hi I am trying to generate interrupt every 100uSec using Timer-2 using stm32f103c8t6 blue pill. I have simply set the system clock to 72 MHz pre scaled the timer two by 72 time using 72-1 and setting counter period to 100. I have also enabled TIM2 Gl...

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Shahid by Associate II
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Resolved! DMA SPI RX not receiving data

STM32G071R8 & M95160-WMN6TP EEPROMWe have the DMA SPI TX direction working but are having issues with the data that is being returned. Technically this is a read from the EEPROM but the command and read address are sent first. The EEPROM responds wit...

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Resolved! How does VREFBUF HIZ bit get set via CUBEIDE?

I have a project where VREFBUF outputs 2.0xxV correctly without intervention. I created a new project and I see VREFBUF output stuck at 0V, and I'm not sure what's causing the changed behavior.  I inspected the VREFBUF_CSR register and I see ENVR=1 a...

KHarb.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! Zephyr MCUboot for Stm32

Using following settings:IDE : VS Code Programmer : Stm32Cube programmerStlink Debugger OS: Zephyr MCU: Stm32u5 series  I'm trying to use following link in order to sign application image: ...

A Maq by Senior
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Delay in SPI Transfer with STM32H7

Dear ForumIm using STM32 H755 ZI in the starter kit. I set the Timer 4 for generate a Interrupt each 1ms.At begin of INT:     -I toggle a PIN,      -and, send a SPI data (8 byte or 16..not important)What I noted is a delay of almost 10uS beetwen pin ...

Roibert by Associate II
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