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Hello,I implemented a simple spi transmission on a STM32F469 based board.The problem i'm facing is that the spi function I'm not getting any value in the receive buffer.Trough the oscilloscope i can see the byte being send and the one transmitted bac...
Hello,I'm trying to do a calibration of the ADC before starting it, but in comping i get this error.I declared all the hal libraries related to the adc.Thanks
I'd like to get ADC readings, implemented with DMA while running in an RTOS.The problem is that the ADC with DMA interrupts the RTOS... don't know what could be the cause maybe interrupts conflicting?
Hi,I'm implementing ADC on a STM32F469HI board (in particular LIZARD board from ACTRON).I alreay implemented SPI comunication and UART (this one with DMA).Now the focus is to get ADC Reading implemented with DMA also.i set the timer 8 to trigger the ...
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