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Change uart baudrate on the fly

Posted on March 22, 2017 at 11:45Hi everyone,i just would like to know know the sequence of reintializing UART port to a new baudarte or change parity on the go during execution.  I am using Hal library. What would be the sequence to do so and does ...

Raider E by Associate III
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Posted on April 25, 2017 at 19:49Dear Sir .I am configuring A8,A9,A10,A11 for PWM OUTPUT.I don't get an pwm output on PA9 , If I configure PA9 as output , Than I can toggle it.Attached some code/* Configure PWM Outputs */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin...

Problem with USBHS and FATFS - STM32F407

Posted on April 26, 2017 at 02:46I'm using STM32f407 with USB 3300 ULPI module, and try to copy file from SD card using SDIO to flash memory using fatfs. The drive mounted and file opened successfully, but while reading or writing data on flash memo...

Resolved! X-NUCLEO_CCA02M1

Posted on March 19, 2017 at 12:38Hello all,I have bought a NUCLEO-L476RG board and a X-NUCELO_CCA02M1 board a couple of months ago and I have flashed the stm32f476RG micro of the board with the sample application that it is include in the folder...\...


Resolved! STM32F4 doesn't capture correct number of pulses

Posted on April 25, 2017 at 19:09Hello:I'm using an STM32F4 to capture low frequency pulses below 50Hz. The source is sending exactly 20 pulses, with a DC of about 25%. The input pin to the STM32F4 confirms 20 pulses. However, the STM32F4 seems to c...

Problem with input capture direct mode.

Posted on April 25, 2017 at 22:00Hello. Stm32f407VGt6 (STM32F4Discovery) Cube Sw4stm32 The function 'Input capture' on stm32f407vgt6 does not work. The interrupt program does not work. In this case, if  download the same program in stm32f103vet6, th...

HAL_UART_Receive_IT did not trigger IRQ

Posted on April 25, 2017 at 04:48I am using the example to create a UART receive STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.15.0\Projects\STM32F411RE-Nucleo\Examples\UART\UART_Printf\SW4STM32When I used the 'HAL_UART_Receive', then it is fine.I have made following changes ...

GPIO - arduino pin mapping for STM32F769I-discovery?

Posted on April 24, 2017 at 06:35Hi , I have succesfuly managed to merge the GPIO example code into my project.I am using the audio application project as the base project.The GPIO button toggles the LED.I would like to define 3 GPIO pins as digital...

benyBoy by Associate II
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Resolved! HAL_RTC_SetTime() - Changing daylight

Posted on April 25, 2017 at 10:19I have some problems to understand the functionality of HAL_RTC_SetTime().It is possible to set time and daylight handling data. This makes sense.But how can I adjust the daylight without the other time data? Or the ...

Problem with USB3300 and STM32F205

Posted on April 25, 2017 at 15:50I'm trying to to use USB3300 board with stm32f205 in Host mode, but it doesn't work properly. I see that VBUS Led is off, so I tried to use external power supply but it doesn't work. Any help ?