2017-06-07 12:12 AM
I�m new using this kind of devices and I have to generate 8MHz signal to take it out through a pin but I don�t know
how. I�m using Eclipse work bench (SW4STM32) to do so. Please, could someone help me please? Thank you in advance.
#generate #stm32-l4 #8mhz2017-06-07 1:06 AM
There are several ways to tackle this - you can use MCO with a divider, see the RCC chapter in RM, or a timer generating PWM, see the timer chapters in RM.
In any case you'll need to learn how to set the respective GPIO pin to the proper alternative function, see the GPIO chapter in RM.
You may want to start with something simpler, such as a delay-based blinky.
2017-06-07 5:50 AM
Thank you, I´ve been looking for it and I think I´m going to do it with the timer