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Forum Posts

STM32 ADC Result error

Posted on May 05, 2017 at 11:47hello guys,I've some problem with my STM32F103RE ADC converter.Converted result from analog input in all channels have errors around some specific values.I have a precise Vref of 3.0v and use all 16 channels of ADC1 bu...

borzoo by Associate
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Resolved! Get DMA count

Posted on May 29, 2017 at 17:55Hi all,I'm using USART with DMA to implement a Modbus rtu slave node.I want to implement this:- the USART use DMA to store received characters in a buffer- a contdown-timer count the time between character to recognise...

francesco by Associate II
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+5V pullup on swd/sck pins?

Posted on June 05, 2017 at 16:19Will a default +5V 10k ohm pullup on swd/sck pins during prog/debug damage them?ST link firmware in the programmer seams to set up these pins as push-pullduring programming/debug.


Posted on June 05, 2017 at 10:04Hi,Hopefully a simple question :)Developing code on STM32F429. I have Cube installed on my Mac, running demo programs without issue.I am after the definition of HAL_StatusTypeDef . Where is it defined (what file?).I s...

Error in demostration of STM32L476RG-Nucleo

Posted on June 04, 2017 at 20:54Hi,   i have a problem compiling the Demostration of STM32L476RG-Nucleo with Adafruit LCD_1.8_SD_Joystick, the question is: 'Error retrieving content description for resource '/STM32L476RG_NUCLEO/Middlewares/FatFs/Cor...

jjros by Associate
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STM32F401 I2C HAL Error (Possible)

Posted on June 05, 2017 at 12:57Hi,The following is based on an STM32F401 Nucleo and the IKSA101 Sensor board.  The HAL function was form anearlier version of HAL but matches that in release 1.16.0We have been working with the I2C bus on the STM32F4...

STLink: How to hold target under reset?

Posted on February 22, 2017 at 15:16How can I *hold* target connected to STLink under reset, either using CLI or GUI version of STLinkUtility, or any other software tool?ST: If there's no provision for this in STLink Utility, then please consider th...

NucleoL476RG and SD card using SPI issue

Posted on May 26, 2017 at 10:56HI Everybody,I am trying to access microSD card with NucleoL476RG board using SPI interface. I am using FatFs third party library with code (generated from stm32cubemx software). I did everything but it is not working....